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Central Banks Buying Gold, so Gold Prices Might Not Remain Low Much Longer

Have Investors Lost Their Minds? Junk Bond Issuance Surges 57%

Investors Ignoring Risks, Throwing Sanity Out the Window If you're trying to build a retirement portfolio, investing for the long...

This Troubling Disparity Says Financial Crisis Could Become Reality

Bank Stocks Underperform: Indication of Financial Crisis? A financial crisis could be right around the corner. Investors beware. You see,...

Soaring Inflation in the U.S. Closer Than You Think

High Inflation a Problem for the U.S. Economy Sooner Than Later Soaring inflation is coming to the U.S. much sooner...

Financial Crisis Ahead? This $147-Trillion Ticking Time Bomb Says So

The Derivative Market Screams "Financial Crisis Ahead" Investors have bought into the idea that the global financial system is fine....

Retirement Crisis Ahead in the U.S., It Won’t End Well

Retirement for Many Americans Could Be in Trouble If you are close to retirement or saving for it, you better...

Global Economy on Verge of Slowdown? These Indicators Say So

Two Indicators Painting Dire Outlook for Global Economy The global economy seems to be taking a wrong turn, and things...

If Global Economy Slows Down, Investors Must Know These 3 Things

Economic Data Foretells Dire Outlook for Global Economy The global economy could be headed toward a severe economic slowdown. Investors...

U.S. National Debt a Major Problem, Getting Bigger Every Second

U.S. National Debt Stands at $22 Trillion, Could Reach $30 Trillion Within Decade The U.S. national debt is a major...

The U.S. Housing Market Looks Broken; Home Prices Could Decline

U.S. Housing Market Can’t Find Any Buyers Something is broken in the U.S. housing market. Have you seen the recent...