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This May Explain Why Trump Wants to Launch a “Space Force”

Peace in the Korean Peninsula Could Trigger a Stock Market Crash

Will Trump-Kim Summit Trigger a Defense Sector Stock Market Crash? Had Trump delivered what the mainstream pundits and politicians expected...

Global Trade Tensions Highlight Risks to U.S. Economy

G7 Summit Has Broken Globalization and Leaves the U.S. Economy at Risk Amid the exuberance, the next recession has started...

Financial Crisis Could Be Brewing in China, and It May Not End Well

A Financial Crisis in China Could Send Waves of Uncertainty Through the Globe The Chinese economy should be watched closely....

These Ratios Say There’s a Stock Market Crash Looming

CAPE Ratio Warns That a Stock Market Crash Could Be Ahead Valuations suggest that a stock market crash could be...

Trump’s Global Trade War Is a Recipe for Economic Collapse

Trump’s Trade War With the World Has Turned Into an Economic Collapse Trigger This can’t be good. Whatever emerges from...

How and Where the Next Global Financial Crisis Could Start

The Euro Crisis Suggests Another Financial Crisis Is Probable No economy is immune from a financial crisis. Perpetual motion exists...

Next Financial Crisis Could Be the Mother of All Crises

Well-Known Investors Are Warning of a Financial Crisis Even financial mavens are now warning of a looming financial crisis. Just...