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The Right Scores a Big Win in Italy and Threatens Economic Collapse in Europe

The 2008 Financial Crisis and the Next One Have a Common Root

Capitalism Has Worked, But It’s Now Leading Us to Financial Collapse Capitalism has proven to be the system that can...

The Inevitability of a Massive Stock Market Crash in 2018

It's More Than a Correction, Nothing Can Stop a Major Stock Market Crash in 2018 The recent stock market events...

Signals of U.S. Stock Market Crash & Next Recession Are Clearer Now

Watching Bonds Is the Easiest Way to Predict the Next U.S. Stock Market Crash Consider bonds. They’re worth keeping under...

Is the U.S. Dollar Going Up or Down and Why it Matters

The Course of U.S. Dollar Betrays High Volatility and Contradictions About Inflation Does anybody know where the U.S. dollar is...

Fed Raising Rates Foretelling the Next Major Financial Crisis

As the Fed Raises Rates, a Major Financial Crisis Could Be Possible This may sound like a slightly over-the-top idea...