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Former BIS Economist Warns Current Market Is Like Financial Crisis of 2008

Legendary Fund Manager Claims We’re in Market Bubble Territory

Julian Robertson States the Obvious: "We're Creating a Bubble" in Stocks That legendary value manager Julian Robertson believes there's a market...

The Strange Stock Market Behavior Cannot Last

We Are Witnessing Strange Stock Market Behavior, Prepare for a Hangover Sooner or later, investors are going to pull the plug...

Dieter Wermuth: Now Is the Time to De-Risk (While You Can)

Respected Macroeconomic Researcher Believes It's Time to De-Risk...Yesterday The time to de-risk may be right now. This, according to Head of...

The Buffett Indicator Is Sending Investors a Dire Warning

The Buffett Indicator Suggests We're in a Stock Market Bubble and It Could Burst Anytime When asked what their investment...

This Is One of the Main Threats from Rising Stock Market Valuations

Stock Valuations Are Too High and Vulnerable to U.S. Debt The Federal Reserve has been warning investors that stock valuations...

Economic Collapse Is Just One Stock Market Crash Away

Amid These Risks, a Stock Market Crash Leads to Economic Collapse Perhaps it’s time to ponder the likelihood of a stock market...

Record High Stock Margin Debt Predicts Market Demise

High Stock Margin Debt Always a Harbinger for Market Tops It's happening again. NYSE stock margin debt is once again at record...

The Stock Market Bubble Could Burst as Investors Ignore Major Risks

Are There Any Doubts the Stock Market Bubble Could Burst? Is it a stock market bubble?  This question is affecting everyone....