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U.S. Dollar Outlook 2018: Charts Suggest Dire Future for the Greenback

Is This the Biggest Threat to the U.S. Dollar?

Trend in International Trade Could Hurt the Dollar As it stands, a huge portion of global trade is done in the...

The Signs Are Clear That a U.S. Dollar Collapse Is Approaching

Social and Economic Breakdowns Are Signs of the Coming U.S. Dollar Collapse The world should prepare to absorb the inevitable...

3 Big Reasons Why U.S. Dollar Could Be Setting to Disappoint

Chinese Yuan Threating U.S. Dollar Dominance Mark these words; the U.S. dollar could lose a lot of value in the...

What the Collapse in the U.S. Dollar Means for Investors

Future Not Looking Good for the Dollar There’s a perfect storm brewing, and it suggests that a collapse in the...

3 Factors Suggest Massive Declines Ahead For The U.S. Dollar

These Factors Paint a Bearish Outlook for the U.S. Dollar Investors need to pay close attention to the U.S. dollar....