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The Great Crash of 2017 Lombardi Letter 2017-08-02 09:57:05 Not Assigned


The Great Crash of 2017

Stock Market Crash Survival Letter

We recently sent out a report to readers of our Lombardi Letter newsletter about the Great Crash of 2017. Not surprisingly, the response has been tremendous. Why am I not surprised? Because the upcoming stock market crash is going to be huge and we’re offering readers an unprecedented opportunity to profit from the great crash of 2017 with our Crash Survival Letter.

With many analysts predicting the current bull market, which is the second longest in history, is going to continue for years to come, why should you listen to us? Because we have a long, well documented history of making accurate predictions about the major economic events before they happen.

  • In December 2001, just months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, and at a time when investors were wary about the stock market, Michael Lombardi told readers to buy small cap stocks.
  • In 2002, Michael famously told readers to get into gold. Between 2002 and 2005 many of the gold stocks picked in Lombardi’s financial advisories doubled and tripled in price.
  • In November 2007, Michael warned readers to get out of stocks. Months later, it was widely recognized that the markets topped in October 2007.
  • In October 2008, Michael predicted the crash of the financial crisis and stock market crash. He even wrote a well-publicized stock market obituary.
  • In March 2009, Michael advised readers to get back into stocks. As we all know, the markets bottomed and the second longest bull-market began that March. Since Michael sent that email, the Russell 2000 Small-Cap index has advanced 266%.

Because of our past successes at accurately predicting the direction of the stock market, investors need to take what we say very seriously.

Sure, the markets are at record highs, but we’re predicting that today’s stock market is setting up for a massive collapse; one that will make the stock market crashes of 2008 and 1929 look like a Sunday afternoon picnic.

Will the Stock Market Crash in 2017?

Our outlook is dire, but the 2017 stock market collapse has been in the making for years. As the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression ravaged the U.S. in 2008, and stocks crashed, the U.S. government and Federal Reserve stepped in to save the U.S. economy from ruin.

In an effort to help kick-start the U.S. economy, the Federal Reserve:

  • Sent interest rates to artificially low levels
  • Bailed out troubled banks
  • Bought U.S. Treasury bonds for the first time ever
  • Created trillions of dollars in new money out of thin air

What did nine years of meddling accomplish? The U.S. economy remains fragile, the global economy is weak, and stocks are in a bubble.

Since bottoming in March 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed from 6,440 to over 21,000. An increase of more than 15,000 points.

If the stock market is a barometer for how well the U.S. economy is doing, than Americans must be happy. But they aren’t. That’s because stocks are at record levels because of artificially low interest rates, not because Wall Street is reporting consistently strong earnings and revenue growth.

Remove the stock market from the economic picture and the U.S. economy doesn’t look very good at all. In fact, current economic data is pathetic.

  • Corporate earnings at S&P 500 companies have declined for five consecutive quarters.
  • Companies are seeing their profits and sales contract
  • The number of Americans on welfare is now higher than the number of Americans who have full-time jobs.
  • Take Social Security out of the picture and one out of every four Americans, 25% of the population, lives below the poverty line
  • U.S. poverty levels are at a 50-year high

At no other point in history, has the disconnect between the U.S. economy and stock market valuations been this great. Unfortunately, the vast majority of investors have no idea what is about to happen to the stock market in 2017.

For investors who remember the stock market crash of 2008 and 2009, we have put together a research report titled The Great Crash of 2017. In this report you’ll learn about the three phases of a secular Bear Market.

Most importantly, you’ll discover the six proven and time tested stock market indicators that our research and analysis uncovered, and points to a market top and the abrupt end of the stock market rally that began in 2009. You’ll also learn how you can protect your wealth and even profit as the stock market crashes.

To Learn more about The Great Crash of 2017, I urge you to

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